Sunday, December 2, 2012

O virtus Sapientie

This piece was surprisingly straightforward.

1 comment:

  1. Salutem plurimam dico tibi, frater Francisce Theresie Crauctere, cuius blogum hodie (faustissime) inveni.

    Last year I transposed "O virtus Sapientiae" in square notes from the Riesencodex, and the result is very close to yours.

    Maybe the gabc of my transposition can be of some interest for you (please, note that pauses and points are intended only as questionable supports for singing the score):

    (c4)O (eihi/lvKJIHGghWiWjvIHGFE) vir(efED)tus(efWgv) (,)Sa(iv)pi(jk)en(ji/lvKJI)ti(hgh)ae(ijji.) (;)quae(jvHG) cir(hhg)cu(fe)i(dv)ens(gv) cir(hv)cu(ji)i(h)sti(iv.) (,)com(iv)pre(kv)hen(lv)den(lv)do(lv) om(kv)ni(jvIH)a(iv) (,)in(ih) u(ij)na(hg) vi(fe)a(dv) (,)quae(ev) ha(fv)bet(gv) vi(fe)tam;(ev.) (;) tres(ih) a(ij)las(hg) ha(hjji)bens,(iv) (,) qua-(ed)rum(ghwi) (c3)u(gv)na(ij) in(ji) al(lv)tum(jvIHhsg) vo(fef)lat(gv.) (,)(c4)et(ed) al(gv)te(hv)ra(iv) de(ji) ter(hv)ra(gv) su(fvED)dat(ev.) (;) et(eii) ter(hv)ti(iv)a(iv) un(iv)di(kv)que(lk) vo(jvIH)lat:(iv.) (,) laus(ij) ti(hg)bi(hv) sit,(ijwk) (,)sic(ji)ut(hg) te(hg) de(fe)cet,(dv.) (,)o(fgwhg) Sa(fe)pi(dc)en(dv)ti(effe)a(ev.) (::)

    Thank you for your work on Hildegard's chants.

    Sit tibi vita semper laeta. Vale.

    P.S. Do you know where is it possible to find on the internet a pdf version (or the like) of the Dendermonde codex Ms.9?
