Friday, April 19, 2013

Ave generosa

 Problem Spots:

Other than the melody soaring way above the staff, there is one spot towards the end where the bemol does not appear to be attached to any note:

Saturday, April 6, 2013

O splendidissima gemma

Problem spots:

There is a line that is clearly implied by the text, but disappears.  Also, Sequentia interprets as though the line didn't actually exist at "-sima," should probably compare with the Dendermonde Codex.

For the figure that looks like a "half-quilisma" I have adapted the notation of the "oriscus" which sort of looks like a "half-quilisma."  As to compare with the next example:

It would probably be good to go back through and update the other transcriptions taking this new notation into account.  Of course, if there is a resident expert who would like to offer a definitive solution I am all ears!